Exhibition Schedule

Exhibition and construction time : (Exhibiton space & standard booth) 08:30-17:00 Dec. 26-27, 2024 

Exhibition time:

Exhibitor Exhibition Time:     

     08:00-17:30, Dec.28-30,2024

  Audience Negotiation Time:

     09:00-17:00, Dec.28-29,2024

     09:00-16:00, Dec.30,2024

Visiting services:  Audience reception time Dec. 28-30, 2024

Notice to Visitors

1Only for professional audience, admission is not allowed if they are not dressed properly;

2、Professional visitors can obtain free visitor passes through online pre registration or on-site registration;

3、Pre registered visitors will enjoy the "shortcut" after being approved and confirmed, without queuing;

4、On site registered visitors need to bring your business card to fill in the Spectator Registration Form on site and then exchange the visitor's certificate for admission;

5、For the convenience of the visit, please check the schematic diagram of the site;

6、Take care of your belongings during the visit;

7、It is strictly forbidden to bring inflammable, explosive and other dangerous goods and any animals into the exhibition hall;

8、Please watch the exhibition in a civilized manner. Please take care of the exhibits on the site. If they are damaged, they will pay the price;

9、The staff has the right to ask those who cause confusion to leave the site;

10、Without the written permission of the exhibition organizer, ticket holders are not allowed to conduct public surveys, public opinion polls, donations or donations to visitors.

Exhibitor services

◆About 300 words of enterprise profile (in Chinese and English) will be published in the conference journal free of charge.

◆24-hour services for public security, fire protection and cleaning during the exhibition。

◆Assist in arranging transportation, accommodation, transportation and customs declaration for exhibitors.

◆Exhibitors can get free tickets to invite their customers to visit the site.

◆The exhibitors can provide the name of the target audience, which will be invited by the organizing committee.

◆Assist exhibitors in handling exhibition transportation, exhibition equipment leasing, hotel reservation and other related services.